TOPLUS GLOBAL CO. LTD. respects human rights values and recognizes the importance of creating a dignified, safe, and equal work environment for corporate sustainable development. We commit to supporting and implementing human rights protection principles, acknowledging and complying with relevant international human rights conventions, and striving to fulfill our responsibility to respect and protect human rights.
- United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- United Nations Global Compact (UNCG)
- International Labour Organization (ILO Convention)
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
- [Human Rights Policy]
Fair and Non-discriminatory Strictly prohibit any sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, and do not use race, color, nationality, gender, age, marital status and family status, disability or pregnancy, and political stance or religious beliefs as criteria for employee hiring, evaluation and promotion.
- Creating Good Labor Relations
Provide diverse, open communication channels, committed to promoting harmony between labor and management, and creating good labor relations.
Employment standards should comply with local regulations regarding minimum age restrictions.
- Prohibition of Forced and
Compulsory Labor Respect employee willingness and prohibit any form of forced and compulsory labor.
Working hour regulations follow local legal requirements.
- Meeting Basic Wage Requirements
Provide employees with basic wages and related benefits that comply with local regulations, without gender discrimination.
- Establishing a Safe and Healthy Work Environment
Provide a safe and healthy work environment, commit to following applicable safety and health regulations, and create a healthy, safe and mutually
respectful work environment through preventive measures.
Ensure employees regularly receive training on relevant human rights policies.
Channels for Employee Rights To achieve full communication and effective resolution of human rights issues, the company has established the following
consultation and complaint channels: Human rights complaint mailbox: